Regional Homelessness Updates
We serve Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield, Denver, Douglas, and Jefferson Counties
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Feedback Needed by 10/28 for HUD’s Collaborative Funding Application
We appreciate your support in strengthening this year's application to HUD. As part of this important community process, MDHI is posting the final version of the Collaborative Application and the Project Priority Listing. Please send final input to by the end of October 28, 2024.
Thank you to everyone who provided input on our region's Collaborative Application for federal homelessness funding! We appreciate your support in strengthening this year's application to HUD. As part of this important community process, MDHI is posting the final version of the Collaborative Application and the Project Priority Listing. Please send final input to by the end of October 28, 2024.
Annual CoC Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 and FY 2025 Released
The Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has officially posted the Annual CoC Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 and FY 2025 on The submission deadline for the CoC Application and CoC Priority List is October 30th, 2024 at 8:00pm EST. MDHI will host a NOFO Grantee Presentation on August 21st at 2pm for current Grantees and anyone interested in applying.
The Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has officially posted the Annual CoC Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 and FY 2025 on The submission deadline for the CoC Application and CoC Priority List is October 30th, 2024 at 8:00pm EST.
August 30 - Letters of Intent (New Applicants only)
September 20 - Applications are due in e-snaps
October 28 - Final Collaborative Application submit to HUD
Project Applicants
The NOFO Grantee Webinar hosted on August 21 is available via slides or recording (Passcode: 3Ps!c0+=).
Returning project applicants may choose to import FY 2023 renewal project application responses; however, this must be requested during your registration of the Renewal Funding Opportunity in e-snaps and is only available if you submitted a project application in the FY 2023 CoC Program Competition. Imported responses must be carefully reviewed to ensure accuracy.
Projects renewing for the first time, that were previously awarded prior to the FY 2023 CoC Program Competition must complete the entire renewal project application.
New project applications must be completed in full and in accordance with the new project application components permitted in this year’s Competition.
Additional Guidance
The following additional guidance will be posted on the CoC Program Competition page of HUD’s website by the end of this month:
FY 2024 CoC Estimated ARD Reports
Detailed Instructions
CoC Application
CoC Priority Listing
Project Applications – all types
Navigational Guides
Accessing the Project Application
New Project Application
Renewal Project Application
UFA Costs Project Application
Planning Costs Project Application
CoC Priority Listing
NOFO Application
Thank you to everyone who provided input on our region's Collaborative Application for federal homelessness funding! We appreciate your support in strengthening this year's application to HUD. As part of this important community process, MDHI is posting the final version of the Collaborative Application and the Project Priority Listing. Please send final input to by the end of October 28, 2024.
Questions regarding the FY 2024 CoC Program Competition process must be submitted to
Questions related to e-snaps functionality (e.g., password lockout, access to user’s application account, updating Applicant Profile) must be submitted to You can also contact MDHI at
New Continuum of Care (CoCBuilds) Notice of Funding Opportunity
The Continuum of Care (CoC) Builds (CoCBuilds) NOFO will add new permanent supportive housing (PSH) units for individuals and families experiencing homelessness through new construction, acquisition, or rehabilitation. Additionally, CoCs are encouraged to leverage funds provided for construction, acquisition, or rehabilitation of new PSH units with other funding sources to maximize the amount of housing that can be directed to meeting the needs of individuals and families experiencing homelessness.
The Office of Special Needs Assistance (SNAPS) has announced the opening of the CoCBuilds application process.
The Continuum of Care (CoC) Builds (CoCBuilds) NOFO will add new permanent supportive housing (PSH) units for individuals and families experiencing homelessness through new construction, acquisition, or rehabilitation. The CoCBuilds NOFO outlines additional CoC Program-eligible activities and costs that may be included in your application. Additionally, CoCs are encouraged to leverage funds provided for the construction, acquisition, or rehabilitation of new PSH units with other funding sources to maximize the amount of housing that can be directed to meeting the needs of individuals and families experiencing homelessness.
A total of $175,000,000 is available under this NOFO. Of this amount, $65,000,000 is available only for CoCs that are located in states with populations of fewer than 2.5 million people.
HUD Application Process
Project Applicants
NOFO Grantee Webinar (recording available: Passcode: 3Ps!c0+=)
Letter of Intent (due September 9)
Request for Proposal (due October 23)
HUD Application
The application for the CoCBuilds NOFO is available through the CoCBuilds NOFO funding opportunity located at This is not an e-snaps-based application.
Applications are to be completed by the organization that will administer the funds and must be sent to the CoC’s Collaborative Applicant for review and submission.
The application may include one or more subrecipients and we encourage collaborative efforts.
The CoC’s Collaborative Applicant must submit the project application(s) through
Number of applications permitted by CoC:
1 application if there are no Tribes or Tribally Designated Housing Entities.
2 applications if the CoC includes Tribes or TDHEs where one application must be specifically for new PSH units on Tribal reservation or trust land and one application from a non-Tribe or TDHE.
Carefully review the CoCBuilds NOFO application and submission requirements.
August 21 - Grantee Meeting (recording available: Passcode: 3Ps!c0+=)
August 27 - RFP Released
September 9 - Non-binding Letter of Intent Due
October 23 - RFP Submissions Due
Follow-up questions/Budget and program adjustments (if applicable)
MDHI may request additional information from grantees to make a funding decision.
MDHI may ask applicants to make program or budget adjustments before a final funding decision.
November 13 - Notification to Applicants of Final Finding Recommendation
November 18 - Final Submission to HUD via (MDHI and Selected Agency)
November 21 - HUD Submission Deadline for CoCBuilds
Submit questions to Responses will be provided during normal business hours Monday through Friday. Questions submitted on weekends and Federal holidays may take longer to receive responses.
You may also contact MDHI at
HUD Announces Annual NOFO Awards, One New Project Funded
On January 29, HUD announced $3.2 billion in FY 2023 Continuum of Care (CoC) Competition Awards to CoC grant recipients in approximately 7,000 local homeless housing and service programs across the U.S. and its territories. The Metro Denver Continuum of Care received $32,836,361.
On January 29, HUD announced $3.2 billion in FY 2023 Continuum of Care (CoC) Competition Awards to CoC grant recipients in approximately 7,000 local homeless housing and service programs across the U.S. and its territories. The Metro Denver Continuum of Care received $32,836,361. These CoC grants provide funding for efforts by nonprofit providers, states, and local governments to quickly rehouse individuals and families experiencing homelessness and provide support while minimizing the trauma and dislocation caused by homelessness. Our community was awarded the following funding:
Brookview - Renewal 2023 - $835,177
CCH Families PSH (Formerly Families Transition Grant) - $5,385,223
CCH MDCHC PSH Project - $8,690,668
Coordinated Entry Metro Denver FY2023 - $555,905
Cornerstone 2023 - $139,291
DOH Consolidated PSH MDHI FY2022 - $8,081,007
FY2023 Back Home RRH - $260,598
FY2023 Bedrock - $634,880
FY2023 Boulder County CoC Rapid Rehousing Program - $850,270
FY2023 Spectrum CoC $929,794
HAWCCO0099L8T032209 - $287,223
HMIS Expansion FY23 - $125,000 HMIS
Metro Denver Renewal FY2023 - $754,810
Housing is Healthcare - $955,985
Irving Street Women's Residence - $286,693
JuanDiegoCO0094L8T032213 - $179,070
Marshall Street Landing - $530,528
Planning_FY23 - $1,491,902
Providence at the Heights - $109,998
PSH Consolidated Project FY2023 - $669,013
Ruth Goebel House - $104,238
Youth Transitions Project CoC $979,088
For more information, go to:
Final CoC NOFO Application Posted, Feedback Due 9/27
As part of this important community process, MDHI is posting the final version of the Collaborative Application as well as the Project Priority Listing. Please send final input to by 10 a.m. on Wednesday, September 27.
Dear Partners,
Thanks to everyone who already provided input on our region's Collaborative Application for federal homelessness funding! We appreciate your support in strengthening this year’s application to HUD. As part of this important community process, MDHI is posting the final version of the Collaborative Application as well as the Project Priority Listing.
Please send final input to by 10 a.m. on Wednesday, September 27.
Annual CoC Competitive Application Open for Comments
The Consolidated Application is a part of the Annual CoC NOFO process and strengthens our region’s application to secure federal homelessness funding. As part of this important process, MDHI is posting the draft version of the CoC Collaborative Application for public review and feedback. Please add your comments by 12pm on September 21.
Dear Partners,
The Consolidated Application is a part of the Annual CoC NOFO process and strengthens our region’s application to secure federal homelessness funding. As part of this important process, MDHI is posting the draft version of the CoC Collaborative Application for public review and feedback. Please review the plan and provide any comments using the “Add Comments” tool.
We'd love to have your feedback by 12pm on September 21. We'll incorporate it into our final plan and post it for review. Please contact if you have any questions.
You can also access the application with this link:
Thank you for the time to help strengthen our community application!
The MDHI Team
Annual CoC Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Released
The Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has officially posted the Annual CoC Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 on The submission deadline for the CoC Application and CoC Priority List is September 28th, 2023 at 8:00pm EST. MDHI will host a Grantee meeting on July 26th at 10:00am for current Grantees and anyone interested in applying. Please register to attend.
The Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has officially posted the Annual CoC Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 on The submission deadline for the CoC Application and CoC Priority List is September 28th, 2023 at 8:00pm EST.
MDHI hosted a NOFO Grantee Presentation on July 26th for current Grantees and anyone interested in applying. You can review the slides here or watch the webinar recording.
Review the NOFO Grantee Presentation slides or watch the webinar for more information
Letters of Intent are due August 1, 2023
Applications are due in e-snaps by 2pm on August 28, 2023
MDHI submits Collaborative Application by September 28, 2023
Project Applicants
Returning project applicants may choose to import FY 2022 renewal project application responses; however, this must be requested during your registration of the Renewal Funding Opportunity in e-snaps and is only available if you submitted a project application in the FY 2022 CoC Program Competition. Imported responses must be carefully reviewed to ensure accuracy.
Projects renewing for the first time, that were previously awarded prior to the FY 2022 CoC Program Competition must complete the entire renewal project application.
New project applications must be completed in full and in accordance with the new project application components permitted in this year’s Competition.
Additional Guidance
The following additional guidance will be posted on the CoC Program Competition page of HUD’s website by the end of this month:
FY 2023 CoC Estimated ARD Reports
Detailed Instructions
CoC Application
CoC Priority Listing
Project Applications – all types
Navigational Guides
Accessing the Project Application
New Project Application
Renewal Project Application
UFA Costs Project Application
Planning Costs Project Application
CoC Priority Listing
Questions regarding the FY 2023 CoC Program Competition process must be submitted to
Questions related to e-snaps functionality (e.g., password lockout, access to user’s application account, updating Applicant Profile) must be submitted to
You can also contact MDHI at
HUD Announces Awards for Annual CoC Competition Funding
The Metro Denver CoC received a total of $30,714,291 in funding, the vast majority of which goes to assuring households remain housed. The region did receive $876,641 in new funding, which will support the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless’s new ‘Housing is Healthcare’ project.
On March 28, 2023, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced this year's Continuum of Care Competition (CoC) Awards. The Metro Denver CoC received a total of $30,714,291 in funding, the vast majority of which goes to assuring households remain housed. The region did receive $876,641 in new funding, which will support the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless’s new ‘Housing is Healthcare’ project. A full list of recipients and awards can be found here.
Special Unsheltered NOFO Application and Priority Listing Posted
Thanks to all of you who provided input to our region's Collaborative Application to HUD as well as our region’s Unsheltered Plan! We appreciate you helping strengthen our application to HUD.
Thanks to all of you who provided input to our region's Collaborative Application to HUD as well as our region’s Unsheltered Plan! We appreciate you helping strengthen our application to HUD.
As part of this important process, MDHI is posting the final version of this critical application as well as the Project Priority Listing:
Collaborative Application and Priority Listing Posted
As part of this important process, MDHI is posting the final version of our Collaborative Application as well as the Project Priority Listing for this year’s annual CoC NOFO Competition.
Thanks to all of you who provided input to our region's Collaborative Application to HUD! We appreciate you helping strengthen our application to HUD.
As part of this important process, MDHI is posting the final version of this critical application as well as the Project Priority Listing:
We'd greatly appreciate any final input you have before 5 pm on 9/28/2022. Please email any feedback to
Give Your Input: Unsheltered Plan & CoC Consolidated Application
Speak to what you're doing to strengthen our CoC Consolidated Application and give feedback on our region’s Unsheltered Plan.
Ask 1
Speak to what you're doing to strengthen our Consolidated Application as a region
The Consolidated Application is a part of the Annual CoC NOFO process and strengthens how competitive we are as a region to secure homelessness funding for our CoC. When you fill out this form, you're sharing critical information about the great work happening in our region that we need to have a competitive application. We'd love to have your feedback by 5 pm on September 23. We'll incorporate it into our final plan and post it for review.
THIS SUBMISSION IS CLOSED! Thanks to all who submitted.
Ask 2
Thank you to the 45 partners who submitted content for our region's Unsheltered Plan
This plan aims to capture the amazing work to end homelessness in our community and is a major component of the Special NOFO for Unsheltered Homelessness. A draft plan is now ready for public comment. We value the feedback of people with lived experience, community partners, and all other stakeholder groups and hope you can add your expertise.
Directions and disclaimers can be found on the Unsheltered Plan, which is where you will leave your comments. We'd appreciate your feedback by 5 pm on September 30th so we can craft the final submission to HUD.
THIS SUBMISSION IS CLOSED! Thanks to all who submitted.
Annual CoC Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Released
The Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has officially posted the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Continuum of Care Competition on
The Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has officially posted the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Continuum of Care Competition on
Applicant Timeline
Review the NOFO Grantee Presentation for more information
Letters of Intent due August 17
Applications due in e-snaps by August 29
Fill out this form to give feedback on our Consolidated Application by September 23
MDHI submits Collaborative Application by September 30
Types of Applicants
Returning project applicants may choose to import FY 2021 renewal project application responses; however, this must be requested during your registration of the Renewal Funding Opportunity in e-snaps and is only available if you submitted a project application in the FY 2021 CoC Program Competition. Imported responses must be carefully reviewed to ensure accuracy.
Projects renewing for the first time, that were previously awarded prior to the FY 2021 CoC Program Competition must complete the entire renewal project application.
New project applications must be completed in full and in accordance with the new project application components permitted in this year’s Competition.
Additional Guidance
The following additional guidance will be posted on the CoC Program Competition page of HUD’s website between August 1, 2022 and August 22, 2022:
FY 2022 CoC Estimated ARD Reports
Detailed Instructions
CoC Application
CoC Priority Listing
Project Applications – all types
Navigational Guides
Accessing the Project Application
New Project Application
Renewal Project Application
UFA Costs Project Application
Planning Costs Project Application
CoC Priority Listing
Questions regarding the FY 2022 CoC Program Competition process must be submitted to
Questions related to e-snaps functionality (e.g., password lockout, access to user’s application account, updating Applicant Profile) must be submitted to
You can also contact MDHI at
Special NOFO for Unsheltered Homelessness
More on who can apply, what projects are eligible, what costs are eligible, and what happens next. You can also help create our Regional Unsheltered Plan by clicking on the link below and completing the form. Responses are due August 19th.
August 12th: Letters of Intent Due
August 19th: Unsheltered Plan Feedback Due
September 16th: Project applications submitted to CoC
September 30th: Feedback due on our region’s Unsheltered Plan
October 5th: CoC notifies project applicants about whether their application will be accepted and ranked, rejected, or reduced
October 18th: CoC posts online all parts of the Special NOFO Consolidated Application for public viewing
October 20th: Submission Deadline
We are excited to announce that the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has released a special Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) that includes $365 million in grant funds and housing vouchers to enhance our communities’ capacity to address unsheltered homelessness by connecting vulnerable individuals and families to housing, health care, and supportive services. This will fund up to $13 million in new projects that address unsheltered homelessness across Metro Denver. Read the full HUD Notice.
Special Unsheltered NOFO Webinar - View the Slides (PDF)
On 9/12/2022 MDHI released a draft version of the plan for public comment which can be found here: Metro Denver Unsheltered Plan for Public Comment
Please be sure to read the introductory comments that provide more context.
Who can apply?
All first-time CoC applicants will need to create an account in e-snaps. Please visit the CoC Program Applications and Grants Management System on the HUD Exchange for assistance navigating e-snaps. Current CoC or ESG-funded projects are not eligible to apply for this NOFO.
What projects are eligible?
Permanent Supportive Housing (PH-PSH), Permanent Housing – Rapid Re-housing (PH-RRH), Joint TH and PH-RRH, and Supportive Service Only (Coordinated Entry, Street Outreach, Standalone)
What costs are eligible?
Please read the HUD notice for eligible costs and threshold requirements.
Next steps?
Register to attend our upcoming MDHI webinar hosted on August 4, 2022 from 1-2 pm. You can also help create our Regional Unsheltered Plan by completing this form. Responses are due August 19th.
Where can I find the Metro Denver Plan?
Here is a link to the requirements for the Unsheltered Plan, which accounts for 70 points for this competition. MDHI is working with partners to complete this plan. All submissions should align with these requirements.
Additional Resources
HUD Announces First-Ever Funding Opportunity to Address Unsheltered Homelessness
The $365 million package includes grant funds along with housing vouchers that will enhance communities’ capacity to address unsheltered homelessness by connecting vulnerable individuals and families to housing, health care, and supportive services.
“We have a responsibility to ensure that people sleeping in their vehicles, in tents, or on the streets, including in rural areas, have access to decent, stable housing and services, like health care and treatment, to live with dignity and safety.” - Secretary Marcia L. Fudge, Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
The $365 million package includes grant funds along with housing vouchers that will enhance communities’ capacity to address unsheltered homelessness by connecting vulnerable individuals and families to housing, health care, and supportive services.
$322 million will be awarded to Continuum of Care (CoC) Programs through a Special Notice of Funding Opportunity to fund homeless outreach, permanent housing, supportive services, and other costs associated with a community’s approach to solving unsheltered homelessness. Grant terms last three years and are eligible for renewal under the CoC program competition.
$43 million will fund approximately 4,000 new incremental vouchers. These will be allocated via a separate notice to public housing authorities with a priority to those that participate in a comprehensive community approach to solving homelessness. These vouchers can serve households experiencing or at-risk of homelessness; those fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking; and veterans and families that include a veteran family member that meets one of the proceeding criteria.
Final NOFO Priority List and Con App
Here is the final version of the 2021 NOFO Priority List for the CoC as well as Con App.
Consolidated Application Input & Office Hours
MDHI is looking for your feedback on the annual Consolidated Application!
It’s time to submit the annual NOFO to HUD and we need your input! Here’s the most current draft of the document where you can add comments, suggest changes, and share any work MDHI hasn’t captured in this draft. Changes are due by 5 pm on November 8th.
Office hours will be held on November 8th at 11:00 am for anyone interested in providing verbal feedback. Here’s the information to join this event:
Join on your computer or mobile app
Click here to join the meeting
Or call in (audio only)
+1 720-388-1618,,39495164# United States, Denver
Phone Conference ID:394 951 64#
Find a local number | Reset PIN
NOFO Organizational Racial Equity Assessment
Learn more about why we’re requiring our Grantees to submit an Organizational Racial Equity Assessment, our internal assessment processes, as well as tools, guidelines, and resources for building your own.
The purpose of the Organizational Racial Equity Assessment is to provide a baseline for our CoC to advance racial equity by identifying the barriers in the homelessness system that are working against the people we serve. At its core, homelessness is the result of systemic inequities, which disproportionately affect Black, Indigenous, People of Color. According to the 2020 State of Homelessness Report, Black and Indigenous peoples experience homelessness at a rate 4-7 times higher than their relative makeup of the general population, respectively. Internally analyzing our own organizations for racial equity will help us identify key areas for improvement to meet our goals of housing people in a way that is not only safe and effective, but equitable, inclusive, and culturally appropriate.
HUD released seven priorities for the 2021 COC NOFO, two of which explicitly highlight the importance of completing an Organizational Racial Equity Assessment: Advancing race equity and Engaging people with lived experience in decision-making. The Organizational Racial Equity Assessment is intended to provide our grantees with a starting point to meaningfully engage with these priorities. The remaining five priorities for the HUD COC NOFO are inexplicitly yet inextricably tied to advancing racial equity:
How can we end homelessness for all in a system that is structurally racist and inequitable?
When using a housing-first approach, are we prioritizing in a racially equitable way?
Can we reduce unsheltered homelessness without being mindful of systemic forces and cultural barriers that keep people from shelter?
How can we improve system performance if we have no baseline for our own internal DEI?
Are we partnering with housing, health, and service agencies that provide culturally appropriate care and are representative of the populations we serve?
Our Internal DE&I Work
Hiring Director of DEI
Understanding White Supremacy Culture Characteristics and naming them when present
Hiring consultants for objective perspective in assessments, meeting facilitation, racial caucusing, etc.
Refocusing priorities around racial equity: internal work and processes, relationship-building in the community to identify needs, and resetting lived experience committees (Young Adult Leadership Committee)
Our DE&I Assessment Methodology
In the spirit of co-creation, ESD Consulting engaged primarily with MDHI’s Director of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion to develop the assessment and interview questions. ESD utilized two primary methods to collect feedback which were surveys and interviews. Surveys were sent to all staff and board members and feedback was anonymous. Additionally, all staff members were invited to participate in one-on-one interviews with ESD.
Building Your Racial Equity Assessment
Please consider using the following assessment categories when creating your Organizational Racial Equity Assessment:
Demographics of Staff/Board
Organizational Commitment, Leadership, and Governance
Organizational Climate, Culture, Communications
Service-Based Equity
Human Resources
Community Engagement/Collaboration
Assessments are due on 2/14/22, 90 days after MDHI submits the NOFO on 11/16/21. Please email to MDHI will consider granting up to two 30-day extensions.
Racial Equity Assessment Examples
Metro Denver DE&I Consultants
Other Resources
NOFO DV Bonus Deadline Extended
We’re extending the deadline for the HUD CoC NOFO Domestic Violence (DV) Bonus to ensure that we have an opportunity to apply for our full allocation of funding ($1,875,185). Letters of intent should be emailed to MDHI no later than 5pm on October 7.
Dear Partners,
We are implementing an extension for the 2021 HUD CoC NOFO Domestic Violence (DV) Bonus to ensure that we have an opportunity to apply for our full allocation of funding ($1,875,185). DV Bonus projects serve households fleeing domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, and survivors of human trafficking. Read more about the DV Bonus here, or view the full NOFO.
If your agency is interested in applying for a new DV Bonus project, we request that an intent to apply be emailed to no later than 5pm on October 7. The email of intent should indicate the amount and project type for which you'll be applying.
For new DV Bonus projects only, the deadline for applications into e-snaps will be 5pm on October 15.
Please reach out to with any questions, or view our 2021 NOFO Headquarters for more information.
2021 NOFO Information
The timeline for New and Renewal applicants is now posted, along with a template for New Applicants to submit their non-binding Letter of Intent.
The timeline for New and Renewal applicants to submit their materials for the 2021 CoC Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is now available.
New and Renewal applicants should register for the mandatory HUD CoC Program Workshop on 9/17.
New applicants can use this template to write their non-binding Letter of Intent, which should be emailed to no later than September 21, 2021.
For more information and resources, please visit our 2021 NOFO Headquarters.